Understanding Vida's Web Identity Verification user flows

Identity Verification is a digital method of verifying a user’s credentials (personal information) with authoritative sources database, and is completely paperless, requiring no physical documentation.

To start the Identity Verification, the partner will share the user's email address, phone number, full name, date of birth, and KTP card image with VIDA for demographic verification and email generation. Only if the provided phone number, and email address is valid and govid (NIK) is verified, an identity verification email invitation will be sent to the user to start the Identity Verification.

However, if the provided full name or date of birth is incorrect or if the user does not provide any required information in the correct format, or if any required services have some issue the user may encounter error and view the error messages during the Identity Verification. The following sections are a detailed description of the list of errors that may appear. The corresponding recommended solutions are also provided on the table that a user should take to avoid any such errors.

Each step during the Identity Verification can also be integrated as an independent item, therefore the errors are specific to each step.


Identity Verification Screenflow - English

1. Identity Verification Email Invitation

The user receives the Identity Verification invitation email.  To start the Identity Verification, the user should click on the Start Identity Verification button. 

Identity Verification email invitation



Invitation link Validity


1 week


1 week


The user may view the following error on this page. Along with it the user may also view the generic errors.


Error Message

Rejection Reason


Pop-up blocked

Pop-up Blocker is enabled on the user's web browser.

Ask the user to enable the pop-up blocker on their browser.
Select the “Always allow pop-ups and redirects from…” radio button, and click Done.

The invitation link has expired. Please contact your admin.

The “Start Identity Verification” link in the email has expired.

The user should ask the partner admin through email or message to generate another link to perform the Identity Verification.

The partner should provide a generic channel for users to notify about such incidents.

Identity Verification invitation email link is expired

2. User Consent 

The user consent page contains the weblinks to read VIDA’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. It also takes the user’s consent to share their personal details with VIDA for identity verification during the Identity Verification.

Ideally, a user should not view any specific errors on this page, however, they may view the generic errors.


3. Phone Verification (OTP)

This page allows the user to verify their phone number by entering an OTP. The user should receive an SMS OTP on their provided phone number and enter the same OTP on this page.


Error Message

Rejection Reason


Invalid OTP entered.  Please try again.

The entered OTP is either incorrect or incomplete.

The user should check the OTP and try again.

OTP field can’t be empty

The user has clicked the verify button without entering an OTP.

The user should enter the OTP and then click the verify button.

You have exhausted the resend limit, please try again later.

The user has exhausted the maximum limit to resend an OTP.

The user should open the Identity Verification invitation email and click on the start identity verification link again.


The following are the error screens a user may use during the OTP verification


a. Error: Attempt exhaust error



b. Error: Invalid OTP error

 c. Error: Empty OTP field submission error


4. Identity Verification Guiding Info

This page guides the user about the required information during the Identity Verification process. The user should review the personal details for the demographic check and sit in a well-lighted place for the selfie capture.


Ideally, a user should not view any specific errors on this page, however, they may view the generic errors

5. Personal information verification
(NIK, Name, Date of Birth, KTP card)

This page displays user personal details (email, mobile, NIK, DoB, fullname, KTP card image)/demographic data. VIDA verifies the user demographic details with authoritative sources and if an error appears for user full name or/and DoB, the user can edit these fields during the Identity Verification journey. However, the user can make only 2 attempts to correct and submit the demographic details.

In the above screenshot, all details previously entered were correct and the user can proceed to the next step. All the verified fields are non-editable.

There are scenarios where either Name or DoB do not match the entries on the authoritative source, let's see how we can resolve them. 

  • DoB did not match

Date of Birth previously entered by the user is not same as with authoritative source

Error Message

Rejection Reason


Date of birth is not matching with KTP card

The user date of birth did not match with the authoritative source data against the provided NIK number.

The user should enter the correct date of birth, which is present on their KTP card.

In case the user corrects DoB and proceeds to the next step, VIDA again verifies, in case it matches, user is taken to next step of selfie verification, else user is prompted to correct the DoB, also notifying remaining attempts left.


DoB rectified did not match - Re-enter DoB

DoB rectified matched -> Selfie 

  • Name did not match

Name previously entered by the user did not match with one on authoritative source

Error Message

Rejection Reason


The name is not matching with KTP Card

The user name did not match with the authoritative source data against the provided NIK number.

The user should enter the correct full name, which is present on their KTP card.


Now the user re-enters the name to proceed to the next step, VIDA again verifies, in case name matches, user is taken to next step of selfie verification, else user is prompted to correct the Name, also notifying remaining attempts left.


Name rectified did not match -> Re-enter Name

Name rectified matched -> Selfie 

  • Name and DoB did not match

Name and DoB previously entered by the user did not match with one of the authoritative sources.


Error Message

Rejection Reason


The name is not matching with KTP Card

Date of birth is not matching with KTP card

The user name and DOB did not match with the authoritative source data against the provided NIK number.

The user should enter the correct full name and DoB, which is present on their KTP card.


In case of correct entry of name and DoB, user proceeds to next step, else need to retry, again the process repeats as in the previous mismatches.

In cases where user’s both attempts are exhausted, the user can not proceed with the existing e-kyc invitation link. The user needs to contact their partner admin to get a fresh invitation link.

  • Authoritative Service Related Issues

These are service related issues when the authoritative source has some issues and is not responding to the requests.

Error Message

Rejection Reason


Something went wrong

  • The authoritative sources are not responding.
  • Gateway Timeout: The response is not received within expected time.
  • The VIDA servers are not responding.

The user should try again after some time.


This error is because of the quota exhaustion of partner, 


Error Message

Rejection Reason


Attempts Exhaust

The API quota configured for the partner is exhausted.

The user should try again after 24 hours.


Partner API quota exhausted for the day

6. Liveness/ Hackness check/ Selfie capture

This page allows the user to capture a selfie for face-auth registration and verification. This page also verifies if the submitted image is real or hacked. The captured selfie will be matched with the authoritative sources.


Error Message

Rejection Reason


The camera is either not supported or the access is denied.

The user has denied the camera access by mistake.

The user should follow the instructions to enable camera access.

In case like this, user need to click “Enable Camera” and “Allow” the Notification 

The camera permission is denied on the user browser

Error Message

Rejection Reason


The image does not seem to be a live face capture. Please try again.

  • The selfie does not have a face image.
  • The user is trying to take a selfie using their photo.
  • The user should position their complete face inside the selfie frame, and then click Capture.
  • The user should capture a clear photo of their face.
  • The user should position their face not an image inside the selfie frame, and click Capture.

The selfie captured did not match against the provided NIK. Please try again.

  • The captured selfie does not match in authoritative source records for the provided NIK.
  • The selfie is captured in a low light condition.
  • The selfie should be captured by the user whose NIK is being registered.
  • The user should take a selfie again ensuring there’s proper lighting, no occlusion or blurring in the image. More details in the Selfie guideline Section.
  • If the user gets the same message even after 2 retries, then the transaction is rejected because the selfie isn’t matching .


The image does not seem to be a live face capture. Please try again

The selfie captured did not match against the provided NIK. Please try again.

True Rejection

A face-match request is rejected. Though the captured selfie is a clear image but the selfie image does not match with the authoritative source records for the provided NIK. Therefore,  the selfie is rejected during the face-match verification.
Recommendation: The selfie should be captured by the same user whose NIK is being registered during the Identity Verification.

User image as per Authoritative source 

User captured image on selfie page


False Rejection

A face-match request is rejected. Though it might be the same person capturing the selfie but the selfie does not have a clear face image or a tampered selfie. Therefore,  the selfie is rejected during the face-match verification.
Recommendation: The user should retry capturing a clear selfie image.

User image as per Authoritative source 

User image captured on selfie page

Selfie capture guidelines

While capturing a selfie for the face-match verification, the user must take a proper selfie where the face is clearly visible. The following are a few examples of the type of correct and incorrect selfie.

Correct Selfie

Incorrect Selfie


Low Light images: The face is not clearly visible.


Occlusion/Shadow on face: The face is covered with shadow/mask.


Blurred image: The image is blurred or the camera is shaken.


Correct selfie: The face is clearly visible and the lighting is sufficient on the face.


Note: The displayed image is only to guide the correct selfie capture. These images must not be shared or used  for any personal or commercial purpose before taking a written consent from VIDA.

7. Identity Verification submission

This page displays the Identity Verification submission status. The possible status could be Approved,  Not Approved, and Identity Verification Pending.

Manual Review: A review process of a face biometric data where the verification is done manually by an authorized agent. This additional review is initiated if a submitted selfie does not pass the system face-match verification and falls within a configured selfie score range. In this review process, a ticket will be created and submitted to the VIDA support team with user Identity Verification information. A VIDA customer support executive will review the submitted information and accept, or reject the ticket, which will eventually approve or reject the Identity Verification. The executive can also contact the user for any further information, such as a clear selfie image.

Selfie/Face-match score: When a selfie is captured and verified with authoritative source records, a selfie/face-match confidence score is generated. This score shows the percentage of  the face-match between the captured selfie and the authoritative source record image.





The Identity Verification is approved. 

The user should close the browser.

Not Approved

Identity Verification is rejected. Possible reasons:


Incorrect demographic information

  • The user has provided wrong demographic details in all the reattempts.

Incorrect selfie submission

  • The selfie submitted for face-match verification was not correct.

The user should contact their admin.

Incorrect demographic information

  • The user should ask the partner admin to send another Identity Verification invitation email. However, the user can try the Identity Verification only after 24 hours.

Incorrect selfie submission

  • The user should ask the partner admin to send another Identity Verification invitation email. Also the user should capture their clear selfie.
    Refer to the Selfie guideline


The user has clicked on the invitation link, whereas a manual review is in progress for the submitted Identity Verification.

The user should wait until the manual review is completed or they can contact the partner admin.


The selfie is submitted for manual review.

The user should wait until the manual review is completed or they can contact the partner admin.


Identity Verification is approved             Identity Verification is rejected


Identity Verification is pending         Identity Verification manual review submission successful

Ideally, a user should not view any specific errors on this page, however, they may view the generic errors.

Identity Verification Screen flow- Bahasa

  1. Identity Verification Email Invitation

  2. Consent Permission

  3. Phone Verification (OTP)

  4. Identity Verification Guiding Info

  5. Personal Information verification

  6. Liveness/Hackness check/Selfie Capture

  7. Identity Verification Submission


Generic Error and Solution

There can be a few generic errors, which may occur at any step during the Identity Verification. Following is the list of the generic errors.

Error Message

Rejection Reason



Something went wrong!

The page has been idle for a long time so the url session has expired.

The user should open the Identity Verification invitation email and click on the start identity verification link again.


404 Not found

User Screenflow for Web Identity Verification 

Here’s a screen flow describing the redirections in case of success and failures. A higher resolution image is available here: Identity Verification success flow and error flow chart.