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Recognizing Digital Identity for Personal Data Protection

VIDA collaborate with ICSF held media training to educate about digital identity, personal data protection, and cyber security.

VIDA collaborate with ICSF held media training to educate about digital identity, personal data protection, and cyber security.

Jakarta, 3 September 2021 – The changing times that are now increasingly required to transform into the digital realm also create urgency for the public to build trust in digital interactions and activities. Trust underlies the use of technology so that people feel safe and secure when conducting various digital interactions

One form of manifestation of trust and security is manifested in a verified digital identity as an instrument to prove one's existence in the digital realm. Especially in the midst of current conditions, when there are limitations in interacting and transacting without face to face or minimal touch, the technology industry and the government are expected to be present to provide solutions for personal data protection and provide a capable digital security system

In response to the industry's active role, PT Indonesia Digital Identity (VIDA) in collaboration with the Indonesia Cyber ​​Security Forum (ICSF) held media training (media clinic) containing education and socialization related to understanding digital identity, personal data protection, and cyber security.

Ardi Sutedja, Chieff and Founder of the Indonesia Cyber ​​Security Forum (ICSF) explained that the purpose of this ICSF activity is to follow up on the active role of the community through organizations/communities in assisting the Indonesian government to provide education about cyber security to the Indonesian people. “We recognize that cybersecurity awareness and personal data protection are key elements for digital security. Society needs a sense of security and legal certainty in the cyber realm, as in real life. Especially in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, people's dependence on activities in the digital realm is getting higher. In this way, the public's expectation of security in cyberspace is even higher. This is where our role is to help the public to be more sensitive to the protection of their digital identity.”

As the digital ecosystem develops massively, it can form a digital culture that needs to anticipate the threats of its use. Data leaks most often occur for several reasons, including a lack of understanding regarding data protection and privacy, the absence of data encryption, weak protection systems for portable devices used to store data, and the absence of third parties who are ready to help deal with data leaks in a professional manner.

Sati Rasuanto, CEO of PT Indonesia Digital Identity (VIDA) explained that it is very important to build trust in the digital ecosystem (digital trust) to help ensure the sustainability of people's use and interaction with technology. Therefore VIDA as one of the Certificate Authority (CA) under the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is here to accelerate the digital world in Indonesia, help improve personal data protection and cyber security through trusted technology solutions, and support the government's target to achieve financial inclusion.

VIDA is a digital trust provider that provides solutions to answer the challenges faced by cybersecurity today. VIDA provides solutions for access management, identity verification and authentication, as well as certified electronic signatures based on electronic certificates.

“Data security and convenience are the main values ​​in VIDA services. Currently VIDA is the only Certificate Authority (CA) that also has a global WebTrust certification for the application of internet security standards, and applies face biometrics in verifying and authenticating to provide convenience and comfort for users. VIDA's Electronic Signature is also the only one recognized in more than 40 countries, because VIDA is the first CA from Indonesia to be included in the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL)," said Sati.

Novel Ariyadi, Director of Cyber ​​Security BDO Indonesia and Co-Founder of the Indonesia Cyber ​​Security Forum (ICSF) who was also present as a resource person said "For electronic certificates, we already have a public key infrastructure-based electronic certificate governance that regulates Root CA and CA industry which is the basis of digital identity that applies in Indonesia. Even so, we still have to balance it with laws that protect personal data protection and cyber security so that the security of the state and society in the cyber world can be more guaranteed.”

The innovations and technology offered by electronic certification providers in Indonesia, including VIDA, are expected to support digital transformation, especially in terms of information security and privacy by utilizing a digitally certified identity that is safe and reliable.


Tentang VIDA - PT Indonesia Digital Identity

PT Indonesia Digital Identity (VIDA) is a licensed Certificate Authority (CA) under the Indonesian Ministry of ICT, authorized to issue digital certificates that can be applied for digital signatures and web authentication. Established in 2018, VIDA is a digital identity network leveraging multi-factor authentication, digital signatures, and verified identities. VIDA applies world-class data security standards, including Public Key Infrastructure, facial recognition, and endpoint security to provide comprehensive cyber security solutions.

VIDA is also listed as an Digital Financial Innovation (Inovasi Keuangan Digital / IKD) registered with the OJK. The products and solutions offered by VIDA can be adopted by various sectors and industries, including the financial services industry to make it easier to verify direct customers. VIDA also believes in instilling digital trust among its users and by virtue, thus, the company has been registered under the OJK and BI regulatory sandbox.

VIDA also applies world-class technology standards that are certified and recognized internationally. The company became the first Certificate Authority (CA) company that obtained WebTrust certification and listed in the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL) in Indonesia, and also is ISO 27001 certified.

About Indonesia Cyber Security Forum (ICSF)

Indonesia Cyber Security Forum or abbreviated as ICSF, is a non-profit professional association legal entity in the field of National Cyber Security & Resilience which was formed based on the Deed of Notary RA Mahyasari A. Notonagoro, SH, dated November 16, 2017, and with Deed Number # 21. And obtained ratification based on the Decree of the Minister of Law & Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. # AHU-0017778.AH.01.07. year 2017.

ICSF has an open membership and comes from multi-stakeholder elements, both from the government, TNI & Polri, the business world, universities, and the general public. The various ICSF activities include matters relating to the cyber world or cyberspace, actively promoting increased security and resilience in the cyber world, as well as encouraging the development of a positive culture of society in using the internet wisely, safely and ethically.

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VIDA - Verified Identity for All. VIDA provides a trusted digital identity platform.

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