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Sep 02, 2021

The Importance of Identity Verification Technology for Companies in the Digital Age

VIDA Verify solution compares biometric and demographic data with national databases.

VIDA Verify solution compares biometric and demographic data with national databases.

Product quality is no longer the only factor that determines consumer shopping decisions. Today’s consumers are more aware of service security factors, especially in the digital era with its vulnerability to the risk of cybercrime such as customer data leakage, which can result in fraud or identity fraud.


Owing to the risk of cyber crime, companies are required to implement a strong security system so that consumers feel safe interacting with you. Identity verification technology can be an effective solution.


Today's cutting-edge identity verification technology takes advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) to safely verify the identity of customers to avoid the risk of crime. Guaranteed security increases customer satisfaction with your company's services, which can have a positive effect on the company's credibility in the digital era.


Verification technology reduces cybercrime risks

Did you know that in recent years the number of data leaks has increased? In 2018 alone, more than five billion bits of information were exposed due to data leaks. As a result, the risk of identity theft and fraud has also increased. That's why companies today need a system that is able to verify a person's identity safely and accurately.


In the digital era, along with the rapid development of technology, many identity verification systems involve biometric verification technology. Biometric verification is a method of verifying identity by measuring and analyzing a person's physical or behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, and voice patterns.


A simple example of identity verification with biometric technology is when you are asked to do a facial biometric scan to access a smartphone. The phone no longer requires a code or password, but simply scans a person's biometric data. As a result, the verification process becomes more accurate, secure and non-transferable.


Biometric verification technology makes it difficult for a person's identity to be stolen, faked, or misused. In this way, the risk of cybercrimes such as illegal access or transaction authorization or fake signatures can be prevented.


Good identity verification technology safeguards the company's reputation

As a company that provides services to consumers, naturally you want it to have a good reputation. A good reputation gives your company an edge over your competitors because it shows that your company is trusted by consumers. The question is, how will you secure this trust without the support of an approved security system?


One answer is to apply good identity verification technology when customers authenticate transactions or access. This will enhance your company's reputation, because it demonstrates to your customers that your company takes privacy and security of consumer transactions seriously. An example of implementing a good identity verification system is found in the banking sector, where customers are often asked to prove their identity before accessing accounts or other services.


One of the reliable identity verification technology systems is biometric-based verification technology, which is not only practical but also accurate and secure. A biometric verification system makes customers feel safer when transacting or interacting with the company. Customers feel that the company really prioritizes security, leading to a more positive view of the company.


Easy biometric verification process enhances consumer experience

Today’s companies need to pay close attention to the customer experience in order to beat the competition. But what kind of experience, exactly?


The consumer experience in question happens whenever the consumer interacts with the company; this can include marketing, trials, purchasing, and after-sales service. All these are part of the onboarding process that can occur digitally with a neat, easy and safe flow. That's why a good identity verification system such as biometric technology can improve the customer experience. Thanks to biometric verification technology, customers no longer need to submit an ID card or passport to verify identity and authenticate transactions.


How, then, to implement a good identity verification technology for the company? Working with VIDA is a great choice. The company’s VIDA Verify solution compares biometric and demographic data with national databases. The technology used by VIDA has been standardized by NIST with an accuracy of up to 99.5%, so it is safe and reliable.


A practical identity verification system such as VIDA Verify will give your customers a more positive experience. This positive experience can encourage them to interact again, thereby increasing the competitiveness of your company.


Consumer safety is one of the most important issues for companies in today's digital era. It is time to consider identity-verification technology as part of your company's security system. Make sure you choose an identity-verification service provider with a proven track record such as VIDA Verify.


As well as being ISO 27001 certified for data security management, VIDA is also the only provider of electronic certificates (PSrE) in Indonesia with WebTrust certification as a guarantee of globally recognized internet security standards. Using VIDA Verify for identity verification will enable your company to provide stronger security to your customer in today’s digital age.


Read: Understanding the Principle of Non-Repudiation with Digital Signatures

VIDA - Verified Identity for All. VIDA provides a trusted digital identity platform.

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