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VIDA Pushes Transformation in Indonesian Work Culture through a Secure Digital Identity

With VIDA digital signing certificates, the public can sign documents securely in Adobe and Microsoft products

With VIDA digital signing certificates, the public can sign documents securely in Adobe and Microsoft products

Jakarta, November 17, 2021 - The pandemic has changed our working culture, including the way we handle and validate documents. The use of Digital Signatures continues to increase despite face-to-face interaction slowly returning. A Digital Signature is deemed to be a safer, more practical, cost-effective and legal choice that can boost work productivity. This was discussed on an online discussion featuring VIDA, one of the pioneers of Certificate Authority (CA) in Indonesia, and two leading global technology companies, Adobe and Microsoft, entitled “Leveraging Legally Binding Digital Signatures to Optimize Secure Remote Onboarding and Automated Document Workflows.”

Niki Luhur, Founder and Group CEO of VIDA said, “With the trend of remote working and hybrid working becoming part of the people's daily lives today, the way we ask for and provide a signature to validate documents has also transformed. As a trust service provider (TSP) on the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL), VIDA enables individuals and businesses to administer legally binding digital signatures more seamlessly and securely. We are ready to support the public transition towards the future of working culture.”

VIDA is a licensed and rooted Certificate Authority (CA) under the Indonesian Ministry of ICT, authorized to issue digital certificates that can be applied for Digital Signatures to verify and authenticate identity in the digital world. VIDA applies world-class data security standards, including Public Key Infrastructure, facial recognition, and endpoint security to provide comprehensive cyber security solutions. The public also does not need to doubt the legality of Digital Signatures in Indonesia. According to Article 11, Law 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and transaction (ITE), Digital Signatures have the same legal force as conventional (or also known as wet) signatures.

“Our commitment to accelerate digital transformation in Indonesia delivers Speed-Scale-Secure operations in the workplace. By applying VIDA’s digital signing certificates, individuals can sign documents securely and seamlessly in widely-used Adobe software such as Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, or Adobe Sign, and further streamline the process with Microsoft cloud-based collaboration solutions such as Microsoft Teams. Digital identity infrastructure and management - from authentication to verification to authorization - is fundamental to how certified digital signatures improve the security of electronic transactions. For business owners, organizations, and workers, the difference in minutes and even seconds is really significant in boosting productivity and reducing cost. We hope this will boost digital trust through digital signature and accelerate Indonesian digital transformation across all industries,” said Sati Rasuanto, Co-founder and CEO of VIDA.

Solutions offered by VIDA answer the growing need for more efficient workflow dynamics. Research by Adobe shows that workers now have a higher expectation for technology to help them work more efficiently and effectively. The research highlights that one-third of working hours are used for repetitive work such as managing files, forms, contracts, invoices, etc, and more than 86% of workers voiced that repetitive work hinders their primary work. Furthermore, 91% of individuals surveyed said they’re interested in tools that would make tasks or processes more efficient, like Digital Signatures. This finding further shows the benefits and importance of using Digital Signatures for professional purposes.

“VIDA’s appointment as the first Indonesian Certificate Authority on the AATL demonstrates the company’s ability to meet safety and technical standards that are well-established and widely accepted around the world. By enabling more secure and globally accepted digital transactions, we hope to strengthen Indonesian public trust toward digital signature products and make them easier to use and access, enhancing digital document experiences for everyone,” said Chandra Sinnathamby, Head of Adobe Document Cloud - Asia Pacific, Adobe.

At the beginning of 2021, VIDA became the first Certificate Authority in Indonesia that is listed in Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL), and one of the trust service providers (TSPs) committed to providing digital ID services supporting the open API standard from the Cloud Signature Consortium. This makes VIDA a Certificate Authority in Indonesia that can provide digital signatures that are recognized in more than 40 countries.

In line with the needs of a secured digital signature, Microsoft, through its cloud solutions and collaboration tools can help streamlining the working process. Lucky Gani, Chief of Operations and Director of Marketing, Microsoft Indonesia said, “The hybrid work era has encouraged us to re-imagine the future of work, where digitalization in different business processes needs to be accelerated, for a more effective and efficient result. Included here is an approval process that requires digital signature. Together with Adobe solutions such as Adobe Sign, our cloud-based collaboration solutions such as Microsoft Teams, Office, and Power Apps can help simplify the process. We are also excited that VIDA is now being listed in Adobe Approved Trust List, as it can support more persons and organizations in their digital transformation journey. Let’s get ready to welcome the hybrid work era and empower the digital economy of Indonesia”.

In addition to being recognized as a legal Certificate Authority by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), VIDA is also the first Indonesian Certificate Authority that received WebTrust global accreditation for its implementation of internet safety standards and for applying facial biometric in conducting verification and authentication to provide convenience and comfort for their users. VIDA works in partnership with the Indonesian Population and Civil Registration Agency (Dukcapil), and has been listed as Digital Financial Innovation (Inovasi Keuangan Digital, IKD) -e-KYC cluster in the Indonesian Financial Service Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, OJK), and as a Financial Supporting Technology Provider in Bank Indonesia Regulatory Sandbox.


About VIDA - PT Indonesia Digital Identity

PT Indonesia Digital Identity (VIDA) is a licensed Certificate Authority (CA) under the Indonesian Ministry of ICT, authorized to issue digital certificates that can be applied for digital signatures and web authentication. Established in 2018, VIDA is a digital identity network leveraging multi-factor authentication, digital signatures, and verified identities. VIDA applies world-class data security standards, including Public Key Infrastructure, facial recognition, and endpoint security to provide comprehensive cyber security solutions.

VIDA is also listed as an Digital Financial Innovation (Inovasi Keuangan Digital / IKD) registered with the OJK. The products and solutions offered by VIDA can be adopted by various sectors and industries, including the financial services industry to make it easier to verify direct customers. VIDA also believes in instilling digital trust among its users and by virtue, thus, the company has been registered under the OJK and BI regulatory sandbox.

VIDA also applies world-class technology standards that are certified and recognized internationally. The company became the first Certificate Authority (CA) company that obtained WebTrust certification and listed in the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL) in Indonesia, and also is ISO 27001 certified.

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VIDA - Verified Identity for All. VIDA provides a trusted digital identity platform.

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