Mengapa VIDA Sign?
Menandatangani dokumen secara digital bukan hanya tentang kemudahan, melainkan kebutuhan. Dengan VIDA Sign, tandatangani dokumen secara aman dari perangkat apapun untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kerja dan mencegah pemalsuan dokumen.

Tanda Tangan Mudah
Platform tanda tangan yang mudah digunakan dengan template dokumen yang bisa dipakai berulang kali. Mudah digunakan di mobile dan desktop untuk pengelolaan dokumen lebih sederhana.

Tanda Tangan Sah
Tanda tangan dokumen VIDA didukung oleh Sertifikat Elektronik yang diterbitkan oleh Kominfo.

Emeterai Mudah Didapatkan
Beli emeterai langsung di platform VIDA Sign. Bubuhkan tanda tangan digital dan emeterai hanya dalam beberapa klik.
Cara Kerja VIDA Sign

Unggah Dokumen Aman & Mudah
Unggah dokumen ke platform VIDA Sign, dokumen terlindungi dan mudah diakses.

Tanda Tangan di Mana Saja
Tanda tangan dokumen tanpa perlu tatap muka, cukup dari ponsel atau laptopmu.

Kepatuhan Hukum
Setiap pembubuhan tanda tangan dikunci oleh Sertifikat Elektronik untuk memastikan validitas tanda tangan.

Dokumen Mudah Dibagikan:
Kirim dokumen yang telah ditandatangani tanpa perlu keluar dari platform VIDA Sign.

VIDA is rooted CA under
Ministry of Communication
and Information Technology

The 1st Webtrust
CA in Indonesia

The 1st Cloud Signature
Consortium (CSC) Associate
Member from Indonesia

ISO 27001 Certified for
Information Security
Management System
Frequently Asked Questions
What is VIDA Sign
VIDA Sign is an electronic signature product issued by VIDA, where this signature has the same legal strength and binding as a wet signature that applies to physical documents, using electronic certificates as a tool to sign digital documents.
What are the uses of VIDA Sign?
VIDA Sign is used to perform electronic signatures on electronic documents as stipulated in PP 71/2019 concerning Electronic Systems and Transactions. All documents and electronic transactions must be signed with an electronic certificate issued by PSrE.
Why should you use digital signatures on VIDA Sign?
A digital signature has three main functions:
1. Authentication - Authentication - ensure the identity of the signer
2. Integrity - Document Integrity - ensures documents remain unchanged
3. Non-repudiation - the signer can't deny the signed document.
Does VIDA Sign have legal force?
The legal power of electronic signatures is regulated in Law 11/2018 and strengthened by PP 71/2019, an electronic signature issued and implemented by PSrE which is certified by the state (in this case Kominfo) as having legal force before the law in force in the Republic of Indonesia.
Are VIDA Signatures and Certificates legally binding?
Yes, certificates issued by VIDA are valid and recognized by Indonesian Law, according to SK Number 179 of 2019, published by the Ministry of Communication and Information. VIDA is a legally recognized entity authorized to issue digital signatures.
How do I request Digital Signatures on VIDA Sign?
1. Upload documents
2. Add signers, drag and drop fields onto the documents
3. Send the envelope, the signer will receive an email notification to sign!