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Genuine Face Only,
No Fakes Allowed

Face Liveness authenticate real faces and protect your business, ensuring only true identities gain access to your services.



Easily Verify Your Identity Anywhere



Face Liveness is essential for preventing identity fraud in digital transactions. It ensures that the person presenting their face is a real, not an image, video, or deepfake. By confirming the presence of a live person, businesses can protect against spoofing attempts. 


How It Works 

With global top-ranked Face Recognition technology and legal identity database, enhance your customer experience with instant and secure identity verification.

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Passive Liveness

Works without user interaction, analyzing natural facial movements to detect if the person is real or a spoof, like a photo or video.

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Active Liveness

Requires the user to perform actions like blinking or moving their head to prove they are real, not a spoof. 

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Image Manipulation Detection

Detects any edits or alterations in the image, ensuring only genuine, unmodified photos are accepted. This prevents fraud by rejecting manipulated images that could deceive the system..

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Image Quality Assessment 

Checks for issues such as blurriness, poor lighting, or low resolution that could affect the accuracy of the verification process. 


Implement Face Liveness to Your Business

Face Liveness technology seamlessly integrates with your existing systems via APIs. It incorporates robust anti-spoofing algorithms to assess image quality, enhancing security and user experience while reducing drop-off rates. Customizable to detect specific fraud attempts and scalable for any business size.
