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identity verification

Feb 10, 2022

The difference between Face Verification and Face Recognition

Face verification allows you to prove online that you are the original owner of your digital identity document.

Face verification allows you to prove online that you are the original owner of your digital identity document.

Face recognition and face verification methods in this digital age have become widely used and can be applied in security fields such as access permits, protecting digital identities, employee attendance systems, and identity verification when doing activities or making online transactions. Often the two are considered the same thing, even though the two technologies and their intended use are completely different.


Face Recognition

This is a technology for capturing human faces to collect information that will be used when recognizing a person's identity. The collected images are automatically processed into data. This data is then broken down again by the facial recognition technology into more detail so as to produce information that can distinguish individuals from one another.


Difference between Face Verification and Face Recognition

In the past, identity verification involved a person coming to the place or institution concerned and submitting the document to the officer, then the officer checking the photo on the document matched the person’s actual face. Nowadays this procedure can be done without any face-to-face meeting, using facial recognition and facial verification technology.


Usually, our lives are not directly impacted by facial recognition technology. Take facial recognition technology used in CCTV, for example. If you enter a building where there is CCTV, the CCTV will perform a facial scan and store it in a database. You will not know when and how your face was scanned and when your face data will be used.


On the other hand, face verification technology can have a direct impact on you. For example, when you open an account at a digital bank, you will be asked to upload an ID and a photo of your face. Face verification will provide confirmation whether or not your face matches the data in the uploaded document.


The Importance of Using Face Verification

Here are some reasons why face verification is so important:

  1. Passwords or passwords are potentially hackable and difficult to remember if you create a different password for each account.

  2. The token or security application on the device has the potential to be lost or stolen.

  3. Only facial verification will allow you to prove online that you are the original owner of your digital identity document.


Biometric-Based Identity Verification

Identity verification is an integral process of many applications, especially those related to business, financial services, and banking. Advances in technology have led to a more secure system that doesn’t rely on codes and passwords, but on biometric-based identity verification.


Biometric-based identity verification is an identity verification system that uses a person's biological identity, physical characteristics, or behavior. The purpose of this system is to make identity verification more accurate and able to properly prove a person's identity so as to minimize the potential for forgery or identity theft.


Reasons to Use Identity Verification for Business Owners

Business owners who have online services or transactions need to prioritize the security of the digital identity of their users or customers or users because they are very vulnerable to the risk of cyber crimes such as leakage of user or customer data, which can result in fraud or identity fraud.


The ability of verification technology with biometrics like this makes it difficult for a person's identity to be stolen, faked, or misused. In this way, the risk of cybercrimes such as illegal access or transaction authorization or fake signatures can be prevented.


With guaranteed identity and transaction security, the company will have a good reputation. A good reputation indicates that your company is trusted by users or customers so that it is superior to competitors. This will make it easier for your business to grow.


Increase Identity Security with VIDA Verify

VIDA’s VIDA Verify feature is a solution from VIDA to verify digital identity to help service providers verify their customers with a high level of security and increase user convenience.


VIDA is implemented and certified by local regulators such as the Ministry of Communication and Telecommunications, Bank Indonesia, and OJK as identity verification service providers. Apart from being locally certified, VIDA is also ISO 27001 certified for data security management and is the only PSrE in Indonesia certified by Webtrust as a globally recognized guarantee of internet security standards.


One of the mainstay features of VIDA Verify is VIDA Verify Facial Biometrics. Vida Verify Facial Biometrics with world-class biometric verification technology uses facial verification. This face verification solution is a combination of face attribution and liveness detection software with an accuracy of over 99.5%:


1. Silent Liveness Detection


Ensuring the integrity of the user's facial biometrics to prevent identity fraud


2. Anti-Spoofing Technology


Uses powerful AI deep-learning technology to prevent scammers from using images, videos and masks to fake identities


VIDA Verify is easy to integrate for most hardware platforms and modules, and flexible because it can be adapted to your needs. Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your business security needs with us, or for more complete information about VIDA Verify, click here.


Face verification allows you to prove online that you are the original owner of your digital identity document.


Read: The Role of Biometric Identity Verification for Online Account Registration

VIDA - Verified Identity for All. VIDA provides a trusted digital identity platform.

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